Signature Templates
Signature Templates
Signature Templates
Signature Templates

Save time with signature templates

Create overlay templates for frequently-used documents that apply all signature fields in a single click.

Prepare documents faster

Getting a document ready for signature can eat up time in your day. With Formstack Sign’s signature templates, you can create signature field overlays for the documents you consistently use. Prepare documents for signing in a matter of seconds.

Accelerate your signing workflows

Make life easier with a fast, smooth document setup process.


After setting a document up for the first time, save your fields as an overlay template that can be applied to future documents.


With your signature templates, you can apply signature fields to your documents in a single click. Automate your setup process and save time.


Need to change the way a document is signed? Easily adjust your templates by rearranging fields and saving the overlay as a new template.

How It Works

Set up signature templates in three easy steps:

Step 1: To create a template, you need to make sure you have placed all fields in your document that need to be saved. This is done in the Field Placement step of the Sign setup process.

Step 2: Click the Templates button and choose Create New Template. Choose a name for your template as well as what category it should fall under.

Step 3: Select whether the template will be visible to just you or your entire team. After you’re finished, click Create Template. You will then be able to use the template for future documents!

To learn more about setting up a signature template, check out this help article.

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