Release of information

Formstack uses AI to generate customized templates. Just start a free 14-day trial, describe your ideal template, and let us do the rest.

Simplify your workflows

Quickly process a person’s consent to release sensitive information with Formstack's release of information form template. You can customize this form for healthcare purposes, insurance purposes, or legal purposes, and quickly route data to other stakeholders. Get started with the release of information template now!

Easily Customize

Add your logo, update with your brand colors, update fields, and more with our easy-to-use drag-and-drop form builder.

Create workflows

Create simple or complex workflows with your release of information form data to easily create documents and collect signatures.

Create documents

Use form data to create documents and send them where you need with our robust integrations.

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Discover the power of turning data into dynamic action with low-code application building from Formstack.

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